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Rosemount Turf and Coronavirus

Posted on March 30, 2020 by Greg Pelka

As we write this blog, we hope that everyone is healthy, safe and staying indoors if and/or when they can.

Coronavirus, or COVID-19 has affected everyone in differing ways, and so with all this uncertainty, we thought we would answer some questions here regarding our turf company and how, if at all, COVID-19 has altered the way we supply turf.

Do you offer contactless delivery?

Yes, we do. We have the Lawn Solutions Australia badge confirming it is ‘business as usual’ when it comes to supplying premium quality turf and associated products and no contact is required during the ordering or delivering process. This includes telephoning or emailing us regarding an order, and you do not have to come into contact with delivery staff.

Non Contact Delivery

Do you accept cash?

Yes we do, but prefer payment over the phone or credit card payments to avoid cash handling where possible.

What COVID-19 processes do you have in place?

We regularly sterilise surfaces, we maintain the 1.5m social distancing rules and wash our hands and use hand sanitiser whenever needed. We now require customers to knock on the office door and refrain from entering until a staff member has advised you to do so.

Do I have to be home when turf is delivered?

No, if you have work commitments that do not involve working from home, turf can be delivered to your home when you aren’t there.

Can I still get turf laid?

Yes, as at 27 March 2020 Rosemount Turf can still lay your turf for you.

Do I have to go instore to purchase turf?

No, you don’t. You can purchase turf online through our online store or telephone our friendly staff on (07) 5448 6398 and we can discuss the options available to you.

A huge thanks to all those out in the community completing essential jobs and helping in any way they can. We appreciate everything that you do and will continue providing turf for as long as we are allowed. Take care!


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Greg Pelka

We are a local, Sunshine Coast turf grass company with a committed team to providing a quality lawn. Like any small business it's the people who make it great. Above are the friendly staff you'll meet and deal with when ordering turf from Rosemount Turf.

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Non Contact Delivery

An important note to all our Rosemount Turf customers and followers:

We understand that COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is having a significant impact on all Australians and that it is a difficult and unprecedented time at the moment. We wanted to assure you that health and safety are the top priorities for Rosemount Turf management and staff. There are certain measures that we have put in place to ensure that our customers and employees are safe. We are being vigilant with our office and ensuring all surfaces are sterilised and cleaned regularly.

We would like to remind you that orders can be made online or over the phone and paid for via credit card, so no cash handling is needed. We can arrange delivery and the placement of your turf over the phone with our administration staff when you purchase. You don't need to be home when it is delivered.

If you have any further questions regarding any of our safety policies that we have in place during this time, or would like to discuss some new turf, give us a call on (07) 5448 6398.

Rosemount turf along with Lawn Solutions Australia is reaffirming our commitment to consumers with our ability to produce and deliver high quality turf products to consumers. No contact is required during the ordering or delivering process.

info@rosemountturf.com.au07 5448 6398
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